ABCspray: productivity at your fingertips!

May 29, 2022 | 5 Min read
Take your entire spray diary online.

How ever you apply agrichemicals, ABCspray has got you, and your produce, covered!

Easy to use with clear mobile-friendly instructions, ABCspray takes your instructions to the farm. Calculations are done for you with compliance-ready records at hand and you can create, schedule and assign tasks with ease. 

ABC Software’s Beverley Caldwell said you can have confidence in compliance with auto-calculation of rates, threshold warnings and nutrient totals. Here are the key features at a glance:

Records compliance – have confidence

·      Visibility to what chemicals were applied where and when

·      Track nutrients on your blocks and see your chemical costs

·      Compliance-ready records always on hand.

Control your consumables

·      Inventory management system

·      Keep track of your chemicals – and any stock item; posts, bins, seeds…anything

·      Supports multiple storage locations and auto stock reduction.

One system with improved workflow and less admin

·      ABCspray is available stand-alone or as an ABCgrower module

·      Integrate your labour and cost records in one easy-to-use system

·      All records in one app, everything within reach.

ABCspray has extensive functionality including:

Thresholds and warnings

·      Supporting produce type and market specific thresholds – set withholding periods

·      Set warnings, application and safety information and show on instructions

·      Highlight variances between planned and actual uses


·      Sprayed block report to see what chemicals were applied, where and when

·      Instant visibility to block’s earliest harvest date (and other withholding dates)

·      Visibility to chemical cost contribution to block costs

·      Printable completed applications for record keeping and compliance

·      One-click output to spreadsheets for further analysis – use your data your way!

Consumables management

·      Inventory management of chemicals and other stock item

·      Receipt of inwards goods, track usage and make adjustments

·      Record manufacturers’ batch references

·      Carry out stocktakes directly on your device

·      Automatic stock reduction on application completion.

You can take your entire spray diary online with ABCspray. Use it stand alone or with ABCgrower for digital recording of on-farm labour with auto-calculation of minimum wage top ups.

What customers say:

“We now have time to crunch the numbers and do some analytical scrutiny,” said Sally Jolly, agronomist and assistant farm manager, Smart Berries.

“It’s made us far more efficient in what we do. We can filter out information every possible way now. ABC understood exactly what we needed to do.”

Smart Berries also utilises ABCgrower for its non-picking activities – Capex, Opex, general management, for the driving, pruning, planting, and spray teams’ activities.

Categories Business solutions & labour

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