Strategic study tours planned for almond industry

The Almond Board of Australia is heading back overseas – once this year and again in 2026 – with strategic study tours involving representatives from across the almond industry.

Merbein almond grower says signs are strong

Merbein almond grower Neale Bennett has been rubbing shoulders with the industry’s heavyweights in the US and has come home filled with enthusiasm for the coming season.

Is an app the way to go for almonds?

The Australian almond industry is big business – and now it’s going to be helped into the future by something as small and simple as an app.

Exciting times ahead for almond industry

A delegation from the Almond Board of Australia attended the annual California Almond Conference in Sacramento, California, recently.

Almond growers urged to get cracking on pest threat

Almond growers in the Sunraysia, Riverland and Riverina districts are urged to prepare now to act quickly to control key pests during the critical hull split period between December and January.

Investment looks to profitable future

Growers and plant scientists are working together on a $41M tree crop program to accelerate the development of new almond, apple, citrus, macadamia and mango varieties.

Yield mapping helps almonds

This article reports on data collected in 2024 by two Ag-IQ Almond Yield Mappers fitted to two self-propelled harvesters. One on a commercial almond farm at Murtho, South Australia and the other on the Almond Board of Australia’s Almond Centre of Excellence (ACE).

Neutrog’s work on almond rot

The Neutrog R&D team has been working in South Australia’s Century Orchards for a number of seasons to explore how biologicals can be used to improve production with a specific trial relating to the impact of Hull Rot.

Strategic use of fungicide urged

There has been strong uptake of new alternative fungicides across the almond industry, however careful application has been urged to avoid resistance and maintain their long-term effectiveness.

Australian almond boss is California dreaming

The man steering the Australian almond juggernaut is not long back from a major industry conference in California with a few problems and a lot of potential on his hands.

Industry finds 2023 a tough year to crack

Almond growers have experienced one of their most challenging years in recent history.

APVMA releases proposed chlorpyrifos decision

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has released its proposed regulatory decision on the reconsideration of chlorpyrifos, an insecticide used for the control of pests in various agricultural, horticultural, commercial, and veterinary situations.

Almond sales on trend

Australian almond sales remain on pace to clear processor warehouses by season’s end after another significant sales month in September.

ACE orchard officially opens

More than 200 stakeholders recently attended the official handover of the Australian almond industry’s centre of excellence experimental orchard at Loxton North in South Australia’s Riverland.

SEGURIS Flexi – a flexible option for almonds

Century Orchards grows 700ha of almonds at Loxton in South Australia’s Riverland, with about half their trees Nonpareil, with the balance mostly a mix of Carmel, Peerless, Price and Monterey.