Additional $2.4 million for improved access to AgVet chemicals

Aug. 5, 2020 | 5 Min read
Extension of the Improved Access to Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals program.

The Federal Government has extended the Improved Access to Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals program by a further twelve months.

Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud said the extension would benefit Australian farmers and research corporations through access to safe and effective AgVet chemical solutions that manage priority pest and diseases. 

“The $2.4 million investment will extend the Australian Governments’ existing $14.3 million investment to improve access to safe and effective chemicals,” Minister Littleproud said. 

“Research and Development Corporations will receive $2 million in funding through the grants component of the program.

“The grants assist smaller industries that currently find it difficult to gain access to AgVet chemical products because it may not be considered as profitable for chemical companies to register uses in such industries.”

Minister Littleproud said Australian farmers would benefit from the extension through improved access to priority AgVet chemicals, provide greater flexibility to farmers to treat pests and diseases.

“Agricultural and veterinary chemicals are critical to Australian agriculture and have brought long-term benefits by reducing the effects of weeds, pests and diseases on agricultural and forestry production,” Minister Littleproud said. 

“This has led to increased productivity, better quality produce, more competitive industries and improved environmental outcomes.

“The extension will continue to improve the productivity of Australian farmers by providing access to priority AgVet chemicals required to manage pests and diseases.

“ABARES found that the average return to industry for a dollar invested through this program was $117! Its returns on investment like that which will help us reach our $100 billion dollar target for the value of agriculture by 2030."

Categories Disease & weed control Insect & mite control

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