Bee-Scent for pollination

July 13, 2019 | 5 Min read
Bee-Scent is a pheromone-based enhancement product that aids in attracting bees to the target crop.

Pollination is critical in producing yield and quality in fruit crops but deficiencies occur frequently in difficult to pollinate crops such as apples, pears, stonefruit and cherries.

Bee-Scent is a pheromone-based enhancement product that aids in attracting bees to the target crop and away from other flowering species.

“As a result foraging behaviour is enhanced, more bees are attracted to treated blossoms and stay focused on working the blossoms harder,” said Ben Coombe, general manager of Grochem Australia.

Pheromones are natural scents that influence insect behaviour.

Bee-Scent’s synthetically produced pheromones imitate those produced by bees encouraging foraging behaviour.

This increase in foraging intensity improves crop pollination and results in additional fruit set and better fruit quality.

“Virtually all crops can benefit from additional bee foraging – whether a crop requires pollen transfer between varieties, between flowers or between parts,” Mr Coombe said.

“The end benefit to growers is the ease of use and enhanced utilisation of the bees, giving better yields and quality for more marketable fruit and increased return on investment.”

Bee-Scent is non-toxic and is considered safe for applicators, crops and honey bees.

It is applied as part of a cover spray over flowering and it compatible with most fungicides that are applied over flowering.

Bee-Scent is a valuable tool for all fruit, melon and nut producers.

Categories Flowering, thinning & PGRs