Breakthrough in mango processing

Sept. 26, 2022 | 5 Min read
New machine can peel, de-seed, and cut and dice fruit efficiently, with little waste.

Convenience food is in demand more than ever, but consumers don’t want just ‘fast food’, they want healthy options. Supermarkets and other retailers are eager to provide that option, particularly when it comes to the fresh fruit category – as do restaurants, caterers, airlines, and institutions such as hospitals.

“Convenience fresh fruit requires a pre-packed, peeled and ‘ready-to-go’ option with good shelf life,” said Frank Trimboli – business manager, fresh produce, Auspouch.

“Up until now though, the problem for the processors has been high labour intensity and high unit costs due to the lack of suitable equipment to efficiently process fruit.

“Processors require machinery that can efficiently peel, de-seed, and cut and dice fruit efficiently, with little waste. Growers and processors will be pleased to hear that such equipment is now available in Australia from ZTi Smart Machines.”

ZTi Smart Machines is a Dutch company that produces fruit and vegetable processing machines. Mr Trimboli said their use of technology and innovation creates machinery that reduces manual repetitive work and makes operations easier, safer, more sustainable, more efficient and cost effective.

Auspouch has now partnered with ZTi Smart Machines to bring their unique equipment to Australian producers and processors.

Auspouch has been supplying packaging into the Australian produce sector for many years and has decades of experience installing and implementing efficient systems-based packaging solutions that create functional packaging.

This includes the well know Zippmatic Paperboard fruit packaging system now used by Australian producers and packhouses for retail presentation,” Mr Trimboli said.

‘We are very excited to be working with ZTi in Australia. ZTI have a range of equipment for fruit, vegetables and melons. But what I think will have greatest appeal in Australia in the first instance will be the ZTi mango peeler and decheeker.

“It takes a lot of skill and precision to efficiently peel and de-cheek a mango. That is why this machine has received a lot of worldwide attention due to the new inventive way the machine operates.

“What is also impressive is that the process is quite fast, with the machine being able to process up to 20 mangoes per minute!”

The mangoes are transported on a ‘beak’ along the processing line where they are peeled and destoned lengthwise. The machine is equipped with two types of special knives. Firstly, ‘thin peelers’ make sure that there is no fruit wasted. Secondly, bow shaped stoning knives cut off the cheeks in a ‘U’ cutting movement.

During processing, the mango is carried on the stone. This keeps the tender fruit intact and lengthens the shelf life. It also provides processors with the best yield possible, minimising waste and maximising economic return (open the QR code below to see the machine in action - or view it on TV on the Tree Crop home page).

Mr Trimboli said there are others specific functions in the machine that make it unique which result in a final product with an authentic hand-peeled look.

Owner of ZTi Smart Machines, Hans Keijzer said ZTi specialises in the processing of soft fruits, including kiwifruit and melons in addition to mangoes. “The mango peeling and decheeking machines are now being used by a wide range of processors in Europe, North America, and South America with great success,” he said.

Mr Trimboli said he is looking forward to talking with producers and processors about the ZTi Smart Machines – particularly the mango peeler/decheeker.

“Users will not only be impressed by the speed of the machines and the quality of their output, but also their simplicity and ease of installation.

“We all know how difficult it is to acquire, manage and maintain labour, and the ZTi Smart Machine is likely to be just the solution for many companies looking to improve their production efficiencies at a reasonable cost.

“It's not too ‘cheeky’ to say that a ZTi Smart Machine might be one of the best investments you can make to improve your bottom line, and produce a better-quality product for your customers,” he said.

Categories Mangoes Technology in agriculture

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