Citrus Concentrate Market Expansion to be Persistent During 2018 – 2026

Sept. 30, 2019 | 5 Min read
Market Outlook for Citrus Concentrate market: The citrus concentrate is made from the citrus fruits from the trees belonging to the Rutaceae family, which are produced all over the world. These fruits are generally prone to get spoiled very easily and have a very thin lifespan for consumption postharvest. Hence, production of citrus concentrate out of citrus fruit can ensure availability of fruit juices or other products throughout the year. Increasing the shelf-life of the citrus concentrate is always the goal of the manufacturers of the citrus concentrate.

Citrus Concentrate market: Food and Beverage Processing Industry Driving the Market

Citrus concentrates are driven predominantly by the food and beverages segment owing to the increased demand for the bakery, confectionery, and soft drinks. Due to the increased population in the Asian countries as well as the increased per capita income in these countries like India, China, Japan etc. many beverage companies are experiencing the boost in the sales. These beverage companies are continuously investing in innovative products with enhanced nutritive values to attract health-conscious consumers. The increased consumption of bakery products, soft drinks will lead to the increase in demand for citrus concentrate.

Citrus concentrate from citrus fruits is an abundant source of vitamin C which has demand in the dietary supplements. Vitamin C dietary supplements from citrus concentrate have high demand in the western countries owing to the health benefits such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases, control blood pressure, skin diseases etc. The citrus concentrate is driven by the dietary supplement segment following the food and beverage segment.

The cosmetic industry has been expanding for the last decade in the European countries as well as in Asian countries. Citrus concentrate has been widely used in beauty products for its fragrance such as shampoo, skin moisturizer, scrub etc. The use of cosmetics has been increasing more than ever as not only females but also males are keen on enhancing their look, nowadays.

Alcoholic beverages are nowadays being launched with different flavors targeting young adults who are more attracted towards the innovative drinks with a twist in it. Many alcohol beverage companies are manufacturing alcohols in various citrus flavors such as grapefruit, lemon etc. This is leading to increased demand for citrus concentrate as many small and medium-sized breweries are emerging.

Citrus Concentrate market segmentation:

Citrus concentrate market segmentation on the basis of nature: Organic Conventional

Citrus concentrate market segmentation on the basis of the form: Dry Liquid

Citrus concentrate market segmentation on the basis of source: Lemon Orange Grapefruit Mandarin Kumquat Others

Citrus concentrate market segmentation on the basis of end use: Food and Beverages Confectionery and bakery Dairy products Soft drinks Tea Alcoholic beverages Pharmaceutical Dietary Supplement Personal Care and Cosmetics Detergent

Global Citrus Concentrate market: Key players

Vita-Pakt Citrus Products Co., Lemon Concentrate S.L., Dohler, Prodalim Group, CitroGlobe, Bell Flavors and Fragrances, Citromax, Citrosuco S.A., Yantai North Andre Juice Co. Ltd., Sucocitrico Cutrale Ltd., Louis Dreyfus Company B.V. etc. are some of the key players in the global market of citrus concentrate.

Global Citrus Concentrate market: Key developments

In the U.S., orange juice market was occupied by the Florida oranges, however in 2005 citrus greening disease affected the orange production creating a deficit. This deficit was met by Brazil supplying cheaper frozen concentrate of the orange juice. With that cash influx, Brazilian companies took over the orange juice production facility in Florida. And as of August 2018, Brazil is supplying the orange juice, citrus concentrate in specialized tankers to the companies like Tropicana, Simply Orange which accounts for more than 50% of the orange juice bottles sold in America.

A-Chem Limited launched a pre-wash cleaner for automobiles named Concentrated Citrus Wash in 2017. The product is infused with citrus concentrate, which is available for distribution as well as for buying online. Manufacturers of citrus concentrate are using the organically produced non-GMO citrus fruits understanding the current market trend of organic and non-GMO products.

Global Citrus Concentrate market: Opportunity

With the increased financial support for the research and development programs to produce citrus concentrate products with enhanced shelf-life will lead to increase the demand for the citrus concentrate in the different end-use segments. For example, long shelf-life is achieved by the pasteurization process, however, this step tends to alter the taste of the juice concentrate. With the help of research experiments, a process can be developed which can increase the shelf-life of the product along with retaining the taste of the citrus concentrate.


Categories Citrus Post harvest

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