The east and west working together to eradicate fruit fly pests

Dec. 13, 2018 | 5 Min read
COLLABORATION between the east and west has strengthened the capabilities of the Goulburn Murray Valley (GMV) to rid the region of the Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF).

Area-wide management has been applied to the two regions to control QWFF locally and the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Medfly) further afield in the west.

GMV regional fruit fly coordinator, Ross Abberfield recently took up an invitation from the Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to inspect Perth and Carnarvon’s Sterile Insect Technology (SIT) facilities and to engage with grower and community groups.

Mr Abberfield said, “The exchange was a mutually beneficial experience. We have learned from each other, established bonds and will continue to share knowledge and experiences.

“There are many lessons we have been able to learn from sharing our insights and knowledge which can be used in the fight against QFF.”

The Carnarvon project combines grower and community engagement to improve on-farm hygiene practices with a variety of control activities to reduce Medfly numbers, including a baiting and trapping program for the use of SIT release.

Put simply, SIT is the rearing of male Medflies that are sterilised and released into affected areas so that wild females that mate with a sterile male produce no offspring.

More than five million sterile males are released in the Carnarvon region each week with the area experiencing a significant decrease in the number of wild Medflies caught in its trapping grid.

Categories Fruit Fly

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