Fencing Clip a 'No brainer!'

Nov. 6, 2022 | 5 Min read
Davo’s Fencing Clip continues to make inroads in the trellised fruit growing sector with major orchards across four states taking up the simple technology to hold their trellis wires easily and securely.

Davo’s Fencing Clip continues to make inroads in the trellised fruit growing sector with major orchards across four states taking up the simple technology to hold their trellis wires easily and securely.

Marketing manager, Nicole Davidson says, “It’s really exciting to see the enthusiasm, when orchard managers realise all the problems they can solve, with one little piece of bent wire.

“They are simple and easy to install, with very little training of staff involved. They are also more likely to withstand the pressure of strong winds and a heavy fruit crop. This has the double benefit of reducing labour on maintenance tasks and reducing punctures and other risks associated with lost staples on the ground.

“Trellis construction is hard work and maintenance is an expensive ongoing issue for the life of the orchard. Anything that can make the construction easier and reduce the maintenance has got to be good for the bottom line.”

Jason Shields, orchard manager at Plunkett Orchards near Shepparton said, “In the past we’ve used trellis staples to hold our wires in place. They’ve failed and been a very expensive process.

“Since then, we’ve moved to Davo’s Fencing Clips, it’s just been a no brainer.” All new orchards established by Plunkett Orchards have used Davo’s Fencing Clips since July 2021, and the maintenance crews carry Davo’s Fencing Clips with them wherever they are working.

Mrs Davidson said the good news has spread far and wide with orchards from the Huon Valley to Tasmania’s north coast taking up Davo’s Fencing Clips in 2020.

Many other Victorian orchards, as well as orchards in Batlow, NSW and Stanthorpe in Queensland, are now reaping the benefits.

“When a new technology is this simple and easy to adopt, it’s no wonder they keep rolling out the door,” she said.

Categories Technology in agriculture

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