Information automation – huge gains for small cost

July 10, 2023 | 5 Min read
When we hear “automation” we tend to think machinery, but it’s not all big-ticket items. “Information automation” is defined as using digital technology to automate the collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of information, says ABC Software founder Sharon Chapman.

When we hear “automation” we tend to think machinery, but it’s not all big-ticket items. “Information automation” is defined as using digital technology to automate the collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of information, says ABC Software founder Sharon Chapman.

“A payroll system is an example. Now ubiquitous in business, we couldn’t imagine calculating PAYE, super and holiday pay manually.

“In horticulture, where labour typically accounts for over half of total production costs, worker shortages and wage costs are a global concern. Mechanical automation (think robotics and AI) is often touted as the solution.

ABC software is easy to use, regardless of users’ level of English or IT skills. 

“While mechanical automation has potential for significant gains in the long-term, it usually comes with a significant capital outlay, potentially long lead-times and may require orchard re-configuration.

“Information automation, however, is usually a much smaller investment with quick returns.

“Labour management software like ABCgrower removes the paper and manual processes and improves efficiency and accuracy,” Ms Chapman said. “Hand-written records become digital records and manual checks are replaced by an automatic consistent application of rules, reducing manual effort and increasing accuracy.

“ABCgrower gives you real-time cost and productivity information, allowing for faster action-taking and decision-making.”

Robyn Brady, operations manager at Bearsley Farms says, “In the busy time it probably would take two or three days to do all the time sheets and now it's just a couple of hours.”

MA Orchards manager Morten Tonder said, “with ABCgrower We have replaced the paper. We have info very quickly come back to us and we react. It makes you information rich; we have much deeper insight into where we spend money.”

According to Agritech’s 2022 report on digital technology in primary industries, one of the top drivers of adoption of technology is to meet compliance and regulation.

Ms Chapman said digital automation gives you fast and easy access to accurate records that can be used for FWO (Fair Work Ombudsman) and supermarket audits.

ABCspray, ABC Software’s digital spray diary and consumables inventory management solution, also employs digital automation to make growers compliance ready. Recent upgrades include improved reporting of earliest harvest dates and withholding periods to improve the audit process.

One of the top barriers to technology adoption according to the Agritech report, is poor internet connectivity. “ABC Software understands the realities of farm work and offers an off-line app for data collection in the field without the need for an internet connection,” Ms Chapman said.

Fruitico farm manager Kevin DellÁgostino is enjoying the recent upgrades to the ABCgrower App, saying his workers are finding it easy to use, regardless of their level of English or IT skills.

Any investment in automation requires a return on investment and replacing manual systems with digital automation offers time savings. Ms Chapman said this value is often perceived by ABC’s customers in terms of ‘time redeployment’. “It allows their staff to focus on more complex and strategic activities, put simply, what they were hired for.

“Information automation tools might not be as exciting as a frost fan or picking platform, but the impact these systems can have on your business should not be underestimated. Consider information automation in your drive for efficiency and become information rich.”

Categories Technology in agriculture