Mango export market success

Feb. 2, 2023 | 5 Min read
The International Market Access Assessment Panel (IMAAP) has supported market improvement and access applications for mango exports to the USA and India using irradiation pathways.

The International Market Access Assessment Panel (IMAAP) has supported market improvement and access applications for mango exports to the USA and India using irradiation pathways.

Both applications have now entered the country-specific pool and await the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s potential prioritisation for international trade negotiation.

According to the Australian Mango Industry Association (AMIA), the Australian mango industry is at a stage of significant growth potential.

Industry development manager, Marine Empson said despite disruption over the past two years caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic and poor seasonal conditions, the industry has shown consistent year-on-year export growth over the past decade.

“Australian mango export is valued at AU$30 million a year with more than 7000 tonnes being exported before the pandemic.

“As global economies slowly recover from the pandemic, the Australian mango industry finds itself in a unique position to recover recent export declines and maintain growth by capitalising on global demand for healthy, quality products such as mangoes.”

She said the Australian mango industry has the opportunity to pursue new and rapidly growing export markets as well as expand presence in markets where strong demand for Australian mangoes already exists.

“The ability to gain access to new markets and maintain and improve access conditions to existing markets is crucial for the ongoing viability and growth of the Australian Mango industry.”

Through work with Hort Innovation, India and the USA have been identified as key priority export markets in the new Mango Export Strategy (2022-2026).

Last October, the AMIA’s market access application to India using the irradiation pathway and the market improvement application seeking to improve the current irradiation pilot program with the USA, were supported by the International Market Access Assessment Panel.

The IMAAP is the independent panel which acts on behalf of the horticultural sector to provide transparent, unbiased and consistent market access advice to the Australian Government.

Australia has not yet exported mangoes to India, however new bilateral trade arrangements are seen as a positive sign for future exports.

“While Australian exports will not compete with domestic production due to alternative seasonality, quality and varieties, strong existing demand for mangoes in India is a positive indicator of future Australian exports,” Ms Empson said.

“The Australian Mango Industry is well placed to capitalise on future market entry opportunities arising from progressing bilateral relations.”


Despite supply chain challenges due to COVID-19 in 2020, Ms Empson said Australian mangoes saw a 167% increase in exported volume (196 tonnes exported to the US in 2021/22). “The US is a key priority export market with strong growth potential and the proposed change would help the industry capitalise on this opportunity.”

Next steps

Applications approved by the panel are passed to the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) for consideration and potential selection for future bilateral trade negotiations.

“This is a long-term endeavour and the AMIA will continue to work closely with Hort Innovation and DAFF and provide support and advice when needed,” Ms Empson said.

“The Australian Mango Industry Association sees exports as a significant priority and will continue to work towards meeting the goals of the Mango Export Strategy and the needs of Australian mango farmers.”

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