New gas fumigant for almonds and other nuts

Jan. 30, 2022 | 5 Min read
Broad-spectrum control of stored product and quarantine pests.

Zythor Gas Fumigant may be ‘the-new-kid-on-the-block’ for fumigating tree nuts including almonds, dried fruits, and grains; but it comes with a long and trusted heritage. Ensystex has been selling Zythor in the USA since 2007.

Steve Broadbent, regional director for Ensystex said, “Since our launch in January of 2021, we have seen a tremendous uptake of Zythor, so much so that we have had container loads arriving every month.

“Many of the best and largest fumigators have updated to Zythor, due to the benefits it brings. Zythor is also about to be used for one of the largest factory fumigations in Australia, with more than 60-cylinders required to fumigate the factory and silos of one of the largest and most globally recognised food brands.”

Zythor contains 998 g/kg pure sulfuryl fluoride, which remains a preferred fumigant for almonds and other nut crops, since it penetrates deep within food commodities to kill the target pests. A core benefit is that Zythor is an inorganic gas, so it does not combine with or change due to exposure to or interaction with, other compounds, meaning there is no tainting of nut crops, dried fruits, or grains. This lack of reactivity is one of the biggest advantages of Zythor as a fumigant.

“Zythor is non-flammable, odourless, colourless, and non-corrosive, making it the smarter fumigant solution for sensitive areas with modern equipment and electronic devices present. It provides broad-spectrum control of all stored product and quarantine pests.

“Zythor is a ‘greener’ fumigant since it is not an ozone depleter, making it a preferred replacement to methyl bromide, which is scheduled for replacement under the Montreal Protocol,” he said.

Fumicalc is Ensystex’s computer-based program, developed to ensure the accurate application of Zythor. “Designed specifically for use in Australia, Fumicalc runs on your smartphone, tablet or computer, and is compatible with Apple, Windows, and Linux operating systems. It can also be used to graph monitored fumigations.

“Ensystex offers full training as part of its product stewardship platform and Zythor is available for your direct use, by your own licensed fumigators, or through leading fumigation companies all over Australia. Zythor is supplied from our depots in Brisbane, Goondiwindi and Adelaide,” Mr Broadbent said.

Categories Almonds Post harvest

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