Orchard netting and platforms

May 31, 2023 | 5 Min read
Each season, orchardists face enormous risk; from unpredictable weather to labour insecurity, making fruit growing sometimes seem like a gamble.

Each season, orchardists face enormous risk; from unpredictable weather to labour insecurity, making fruit growing sometimes seem like a gamble.

That’s why protecting the orchard from unforeseen challenges with key investments that last for decades is a smart and modern approach.

Inspired Ag supplies innovative and affordable rain cover and hail netting designed to withstand harsh Australian conditions and protect fruit from hail, heat, sun and wind.

They also supply Italian-made Billo platforms to increase productivity during harvest, pruning and thinning.

Fifth generation fruit grower and Inspired Ag managing director Chris Turnbull said his customers were quick to see the impact of this modern approach on their bottom line.

“When it comes to supplying netting, we work alongside the grower to ensure the netting system compliments their unique needs,” he said.

“Some growers choose to retrofit an existing block while others set-up new blocks.

“It’s possible for the grower to install our netting themselves or we can recommend an expert installer. Protecting the crop in the face of unpredictable weather patterns can make or break a season.”

Research from Washington State University Associate Professor Dr Lee Kalcsit shared by Apple & Pear Australia Ltd (APAL)) shows netting can provide benefits beyond crop protection, including reduced water use, reduced wind speed, better light penetration, a cooling effect and also can increase fruit size.

When it comes to efficiency gains, Mr Turnbull said other customers have found a huge advantage in moving from ground or ladder-based systems to mobile work platforms.

“One of Inspired Ag’s Goulburn Valley customers said he follows a strategic blueprint when modernising an orchard which focuses on crop protection but also includes an emphasis on increasing the productivity of the labour force all year-round.

“On the family orchard in Ardmona, the labour force was always a challenge with a high turnover and low productivity.

“The Billo platforms significantly reduce labour costs during harvest, pruning, training and for maintenance. That's great news for growers with labour costs increasing and in short supply.

"We service a diverse range of growers from apples and cherries to lychees, avocados, and hops,” Mr Turnbull said.

“A Queensland based lychee grower said his Billo platform saved his last harvest during a wet year. He put his platform to work successfully to overcome the wet and boggy ground."

Inspired Ag is the exclusively licensed dealer in Australia and New Zealand for Billo – made in Italy. They supply a range of versatile, diesel or electric powered orchard platforms.

The orchard platforms are designed to enable work at elevated positions in the tree canopy for: harvesting, pruning, thinning and tree training. Platforms are proven to reduce labour time and increase productivity with these state-of-the-art machines.

Mr Turnbull said the flat-deck models support year-round orchard activities, while the conveyor model takes harvest efficiencies to new heights. All models feature optional accessories and modifications to suit grower needs.

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