South Australian irrigators likely to gain 100% allocations

July 21, 2019 | 5 Min read
South Australian River Murray minimum water allocations for irrigators have risen to 38 per cent in the latest Water Allocation Statement issued Department for Environment and Water (DEW).

South Australian River Murray minimum water allocations for irrigators have risen to 38 per cent in the latest Water Allocation Statement issued Department for Environment and Water (DEW). 

DEW River Murray Water Delivery Manager Jarrod Eaton said the increase is a result of the continued improvements to the water resource condition across the River Murray System.

“Rainfall across key catchment areas has helped to improve conditions across the Basin leading to an increase in water availability for South Australian irrigators” Mr Eaton said.

“Based on climate conditions over the last 30 years and current water resource conditions, water availability projections indicate that under very dry conditions allocations are likely to get to at least 97 percent – which is a positive sign for water users.

“While Bureau of Meteorology data shows Basin rainfall has remained below average for June, the volume of water in Murray-Darling Basin Authority controlled storages increased slightly, up to 38 per cent of capacity.

“We will continue to monitor the Bureau’s long-term weather outlook and issue revised statements twice a month while irrigation allocations remain below 100 per cent.”

Private carryover is available for eligible entitlement holders in 2019-20 who submit their meter reading by 31 July.

The video below explains how any unused water from 2018-19 can be carried over for use in 2019-20, up to 20 per cent of a user’s entitlement.

The increased allocation is based on the latest advice from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

Categories General Water supply & irrigation

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