Steps to success with tree crop nutrition

Sept. 29, 2018 | 5 Min read
Correct nutrition management is essential for achieving high yields of quality macadamias and avocados and most growers work with a local agronomist to help them manage and refine their fertiliser programs.

Steps to success with tree crop nutrition

Rob Dwyer, Agronomist – Tropical Systems, Incitec Pivot Fertilisers

Correct nutrition management is essential for achieving high yields of quality macadamias and avocados and most growers work with a local agronomist to help them manage and refine their fertiliser programs.

These specialists in plant nutrition work with growers to assess the available nutrient levels in the soil and trees and keep an eye on other constraints and limitations which may affect growth.

To provide a high standard of advice, your agronomist may have attended professional training to become a Fertcare accredited adviser. This is an industry initiative designed to ensure growers are receiving soil management and fertiliser advice based on good practice and accepted science.

I have written these ‘steps to success’ to help growers identify areas for continuous improvement in nutrition in their orchards.

A quality fertiliser is a key ingredient, and Cal-Gran is ideal for those tree crops, but it is only part of the story.


Categories Fertilisers & nutrition

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