Superior disease protection for almonds

Jan. 17, 2022 | 5 Min read
Copper fungicides play a key role in disease management in almonds.

Almond growers who are keen to make the most of favourable market conditions are urged to consider protecting their crops with copper fungicides from the Grochem Australia range.

Grochem is Australia’s leading supplier of innovative copper fungicides, including Hydrocop WG and Bordeaux WG, which are playing an integral role in disease management in almonds.

Ben Coombe, general manager of Grochem Australia, said there are two key issues when choosing copper formulations to protect almonds against diseases such as leaf curl and or shot hole.

“These key requirements are excellent coverage and the ability of the fungicide to stick to the leaf surface and plant tissue, as well as penetrate the crevices in the bark,” he said.

“Hydrocop WG and Bordeaux WG are growing in popularity because they meet these requirements with high quality ingredients and superior formulations.”

Based on cupric hydroxide, Mr Coombe said Hydrocop WG has far smaller particles than other products, so it sticks to leaf surfaces during rainfall, irrigation, or windy conditions to give longer lasting protection against disease outbreaks.

“Bordeaux WG is a superior formulation of tribasic copper sulphate and lime, a far safer and more effective option than growers mixing their own brews.”

He said that in other stone fruit crops, both Bordeaux and Hydrocop are registered for bacterial diseases.

“The research data and grower feedback are that Bordeaux seems to have better efficacy on bacterial control,” Mr Coombe said.

“Growers will also be relieved to know our copper-based products are made from very high grades of copper, so heavy metals are extremely low to non-existent.

“This high quality is reflected in the NASAA certification for organic inputs for both our Hydrocop and Bordeaux products.”

Mr Coombe recommended that almond growers monitor their crops regularly and be ready to apply Hydrocop or Bordeaux to minimise the risk of fungal diseases taking off in the orchard and reducing yield potential.

“Copper has been used in orchards for many years, but by listening to our customers and investing in R&D, growers now have access to superior formulations that deliver in the toughest conditions,” he said.

Categories Almonds Disease & weed control

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