Tomra Cascade singulator, a game-changer in cherries

Nov. 26, 2021 | 5 Min read
New machine is gentle on cherries and will reduce operating hours and maintenance costs.

Tomra Fresh Food has launched its revolutionary new Cascade Singulator for cherry singulation.

Ideal for the conditions typically encountered by cherry producers in Australia, this new machine will make processing the high-value fruit less wasteful and more profitable.

The Cascade Singulator will also help cherry producers achieve consistently high product quality, more important than ever now that Australian businesses are increasingly targeting export markets.

The traditional cluster-cutting of stems from grouped cherries exposes the fruit to a series of tines, blades, and blade guards – all hard contact points. This can cause pitting damage in a significant percentage of the fruit.

This problem is especially troublesome with more delicate and lighter-skinned cherries, such as Rainiers, but affects all varieties. Consequently, this may lower the value grade of the crop, thereby making it unable to meet certain market requirements because their shelf-life is shortened.

Until now, this loss of potential product revenue has seemed unavoidable. But the launch of Tomra Fresh Food's all-new Cascade Singulator solves this age-old problem. Their New Zealand-based team has designed and developed a new machine for singulation from cherry clusters with a gentle carrying method and superior cluster separation.

Benedetta Ricci Iamino, global category director cherries at Tomra Fresh Food, said the development of the Cascade Singulator's unique design started with extensive research into issues around pitting and bruising damage, caused by traditional methods, as well as to provide a technology that could be easier to operate while also reducing the ongoing costs.

“By consulting with cherry industry experts around the world, we sought a solution that ensured gentle handling and respected the value of each individual cherry.

“This new technology will be a game changer in the cherry industry, especially for those markets such as New Zealand and Australia where it is essential to achieve a good stem separation as close as possible to the knuckle of the cherries, to deliver a premium quality to the export markets.

“The Cascade Singulator will also reduce operational hours and maintenance costs; our customers will not need to hire highly skilled people to continuously adjust the Singulator during the cherry season, while also reducing the operational hours needed to replace blades and bearings during the maintenance procedures.

“Tomra Fresh Food made sure to take care of everything for its customers’ peace of mind,” Ms Ricci Iamino said.

Categories Cherries Post harvest

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