Transtak Engineering ready for harvest

Aug. 14, 2022 | 5 Min read
Transtak Engineering and Equipment manufactures a range of self-loading bin trailers for the orchard industry as well as a full range of high-strength/lightweight aluminium picking ladders.

Transtak Engineering and Equipment manufactures a range of self-loading bin trailers for the orchard industry as well as a full range of high-strength/lightweight aluminium picking ladders.

The Transtak brand of bin trailers is renowned in the industry and includes now several new models and improvements, says Transtak Engineering and Equipment manager Peter Guy.

The Transtak 750ATV and 1000ATV bin trailers load and transport two bins at a time from within the orchard to the packhouse or load-out.

The 1000ATV trailer has 1000kg load capacity for large ATV’s or small tractors and is supplied with or without the electro-hydraulic power-pack.

“Another development is the Transtak 1500LP bin trailer which has tandem small diameter wheels for low profile and narrow access to intensive orchard rows,” Mr Guy said.

“This bin carrier is front-mounted to the tractor for ease of operation – loading/unloading and access to rows in the orchard. This can be seen working on the Transtak website demonstration video.

“This range of trailers are available in Australia from Konigs Shepparton who currently have Transtak 1500L 3-bin and Transtak 1500LE 3- to 4-bin trailers in stock.

The Transtak ladders range is available from E E Muir & Sons which has branches in all Australian fruit growing regions.

Categories Harvesting

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