Weather events impact Goulburn Murray Valley

June 20, 2023 | 5 Min read
Orchardists in Victoria’s Goulburn Murray Valley region have grappled with the devasting impacts of several extreme weather events throughout the growing season, as climatic conditions prove ideal for Queensland fruit fly.

Orchardists in Victoria’s Goulburn Murray Valley region have grappled with the devasting impacts of several extreme weather events throughout the growing season, as climatic conditions prove ideal for Queensland fruit fly.

The recent season was severely hampered by a series of large storms over a number of months, resulting in significant hail and wind damage for many growers.

The region has taken an innovative approach to the management of fruit fly in recent years and relied heavily on area wide management of the pest, however a bad year for fruit fly and challenges arising from weather events has resulted in renewed calls for all operational and non-operational orchards in the region to increase their vigilance in the area of pest management.

Goulburn Murray Valley Fruit Fly Area Wide Management Program acting regional coordinator Penny Aston said the poor management of fallen fruit in orchards and untendered fruit trees at the back of properties has contributed to population explosions in a number of areas this season.

“It has been a particularly challenging year for lots of growers which has resulted in increased pressures and competing demands in orchard operations on top of low morale, however, the importance of continued vigilance in controlling fruit fly throughout winter cannot be underestimated,” she said.

“We are putting a very clear call to action out there for all orchardists and commercial growers, regardless of their size, to implement and review their pest management strategy and ensure effective orchard hygiene is prioritised.”

She said fruit flies that are able to survive winter by taking refuge in warm spots on the landscape will be the cause of a population influx in spring.

Support is available through the program to help growers and property owners build their knowledge of the various fruit fly control methods that should be factored into pest management strategies.

“Anyone seeking additional support in how they protect their orchard against fruit fly can get into touch via email at or phone (03) 5871 9222 and we will put them in touch with a field officer who will work through the most effective options, with consideration to their particular situation,” Ms Aston said.

The region’s horticultural outputs are significant with the Goulburn Valley recognised as the largest pear producer in the Southern Hemisphere and the Murray Valley known as Australia’s largest stone fruit producer.

The Goulburn Murray Valley Fruit Fly Area Wide Management Program was established in 2017 and brings together government, industry and the community to apply fruit fly control and education measures across the whole region.

“We have identified that area wide management is the best way to minimise the impact of fruit fly on our region and its horticultural industry and are continuing to work to increase both grower and community awareness about the critical need to be fruit fly aware and take action,” Ms Aston said.

Fruit fly poses a serious threat to the Goulburn Murray Valley’s multi-million horticultural industry, with action required by orchardists, property owners and home gardeners to help stop the spread.

Ms Aston said it is essential that growers and property owners in the Goulburn Murray Valley take a range of measures rather than relying on a single action to help control fruit fly and the development of a robust pest management strategy is the best way to achieve this.

The program is currently exploring a range of innovative education-based approaches to support growers in the region to increase their knowledge of fruit fly control methods through a mentorship program that would allow for the sharing of information and building of knowledge amongst growers.

The Goulburn Murray Valley Fruit Fly Area Wide Management Program is supported by the Victorian Government.

For more information on fruit fly control, visit 

Categories Fruit Fly

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