Mighty small mites, but mighty big damage!

Mites can spread through your crop almost as fast as flying insects or the airborne spores of fungi.

Minimum rate guarantee ‘no sweat’ with ABCgrower

Specialised horticulture software can capture, manage and report all on farm picking and labour activities.

Calls for automation with local support

Dealing with local manufacturers is now more important than ever given supply chain issues.

Predicting the shelf life of mango fruit cultivars

Project aimed at improving mango shelf life.

The apple drone Is finally here

A flying tethered quadcopter with an outstretched arm that can intelligently target, grab, and pick apples off a tree could be just around the corner.

Grant boosts future of Australian grown dates

Grant twill help increase the availability of locally-grown dates in the heavily import-reliant market.

Improving water efficiency in Australian olives

New research project investigates water productivity in olives.

New gas fumigant for almonds and other nuts

Broad-spectrum control of stored product and quarantine pests.

Directing shoot growth to where it’s needed

You can make a deciduous fruit tree do anything.

Mediterranean fruit fly in Australia pose risk

High level of adaptability makes Medfly a considerable threat to horticulture in all of Australia.

Superior disease protection for almonds

Copper fungicides play a key role in disease management in almonds.

Invest now to gear your operations for success

Wide range of equipment to improve labour productivity and yields.

How do you know when to harvest stone fruit?

Stone fruit growers use various methods to determine when to harvest. The best approach at present mainly depends on grower experience and subjective judgement of fruit maturity.

Trusted Altacor Hort Insecticide to get even better

New formulation - Altacor X-Force - offers improved mixing, reduced rates and less packaging.

Think again about olive oil yield potential

Superior tree genetics and advanced production system for high density olive groves.