Ceres Imaging quadruples efforts in Australia

Aerial imaging company announces new Australian expansion, significant new product releases, partnerships and research.

New fumigant for almonds and other nuts

Fumigant for broad-spectrum control of stored product pests and quarantine pests.

Biocontrol research targets Qfly populations

Biocontrol targets all stages of the fly – egg, larvae, pupa, and adult,

Training dogs to detect citrus canker

Effective detector dogs can protect citrus biosecurity.

Digital platform seeds growth in persimmon industry

Grant will mean better outcomes for the persimmon industry,

Know your pest: weevils

There are dozens of weevil species that attack many crops.

Grant to facilitate market expansion for nut industry

Grant will assist with market expansion, diversification and sustainability.

Production growth to power Australian horticulture

Rural Bank provides optimistic outlook for horticulture sector in its mid-year report.

Citrus export demand from China still strong

Despite the challenges growers expected to get reasonable returns this year.

AARSC put on the map with first place in global conference

UNE researchers show the world that research tools and applications developed in Australia are of the highest standard.

Fingerprints show true origins of honey

DNA-based method is a fast and accurate way to identify the floral composition of Australian honey.

TOMRA sorter combines lasers and engineering

New platform will make it possible for nut processors to detect and eject specific types of defects.

'Digital twin' concept boosts food production

Digital technologies offer an acceleration in innovation, potentially cutting decades to days or hours.

PM must deliver agriculture visa this year

Citrus Australia sees the agriculture visa as an important component of the agricultural workforce.

Portable chemistry kit sweetens native bush fruit production

The tool kit can be used to provide information on seasonality, growing conditions and plant physiology.