Durian season off to a great start

Durian grown in the NT is finding markets in Australia's capital cities.

New option for control of powdery mildew in apples

New option for apple growers provide efficacy and flexibility.

PGR porfolio for apples expands

Improved formulation for post bloom thinning in apples.

New system eliminates plastic bags

The Ellebag is an alternative to plastic bags for fruit and nut producers.

Study assesses native flies as pollinators

Native flies are showing potential as a supplementary pollinator to bees in avocado trees.

Bumper summer expected for Victorian cherries

The 2020 will be a complete contrast to last season.

Safely control fruit spotting bug with Trivor

Rotational option for resistance management and reducing impact on beneficials.

Real-time temp tracking of Vic export cherries

Project aims to improve coolchain for Victorian cherries exported to SE Asia.

Growing demand drives Almondco's processing expansion

Company is currently completing a $25 million upgrade to its Riverland facilities.

Traceability trial a “game changer” for citrus industry

Pilot trial uses ‘digital fingerprint’ labelling and blockchain technology.

Reid Fruits’ cherries exported to Indonesia

Late-season cherry production is an advantage for some markets in Asia.

Positive trends for Australian avocado industry

Australia's avocado production reaches record levels of value and volume.

‘Smart’ water system boosts tree crop yields

Hydrosmart system conditions water and requires no chemicals, filters or maintenance.

Potential answer to citrus greening disease

Naturally-occurring peptide solution has potential to deliver relief to citrus orchards

Blockchain tech key to cost savings for Manbulloo mangoes

Blockchain platform provides real-time, secure information from the tree to the supermarket.