Long-term weed control is back

Longer lasting herbicide alternatives can manage the development of weed resistance and provide season-long protection.

Improving avocado shelf life

Small sachet is designed to improve the shelf-life of avocados.

Aussie horticulture exports hit record high

The world’s appetite for Australian fruit, nuts and vegetables has skyrocketed with Australian produce exports reaching almost $2.8 billion for the first time.

Australia's stone fruit exports continue to expand

FAS/Canberra forecasts Australian stone fruit (cherry and peach/nectarine) fruit production to continue to expand in MY 2019/20, with all of the increase expected to go to exports.

How Australia is shaking up the truffle market

Australia has become the world's fourth-largest producer of the most-prized type of black truffle.

Protective cropping crucial for apples and pears

Flying foxes are considered keystone species in the Australian landscape. However, they have significant impact on orchards – even with netting. Incursions can result in near-total or total losses to crops.

Beekeepers confident industry can keep up with demand for almond pollination

Despite concerns earlier this year, the bee industry is confident it will be able to keep up with demand from the almond industry.

An effective/organic alternative . . .

Organic Crop Protectants’ latest innovation in plant protection - Ecocarb PLUS - is a dual action fungicide combining the curative powers of potassium bicarbonate with the protective and systemic barrier properties of potassium silicate.

Australians cooperating to eradicate citrus canker

The NT Government has been working with the community, local citrus farmers and industry groups to ensure Citrus canker doesn’t spread, and is eradicated from the NT entirely.

Opportunities in the US market come from the great marketing done by the citrus community

The Australian citrus season is just past the midway point and exports are in full swing. Pinnacle Fresh again have a solid export program to the US for their Dracula citrus range.

Select Harvests processing big almond crop

Nut lovers, rejoice - Australia's biggest almost producer is almost finished processing a bumper crop.

Alterra teams up with WA avocado grower

Alterra, an agribusiness investment company, team up with Western Australian avocado producer French’s Group.

Bee Klipp use expands

Bee Klipp has expanded to include use in new crops such as avocado, cherries and cucurbits.

Variety and maturity influence on the bioactive composition of mangoes

Bioactive compounds have actions in the body that may promote good health. In mangoes, variety and maturation may have an impact on the composition of these compounds.

Protecting Australia’s citrus industry

Project is announced that will help to protect Australian citrus from pests and diseases.