Avocado growers say prices have hit their peak while supply continues to skyrocket

In good news for avocado lovers, they have likely paid the most they will ever pay for an avocado during summer, and the popular fruit will keep getting cheaper.

Separating ripe and unripe avocados results in higher sales

A new initiative to stop shoppers squeezing avocados to test the fruit's ripeness has resulted in a halving of bruised fruit and higher avocado sales.

Bees get stressed at work too

A honey bee’s life is hardly relaxing. Every day forager bees make many trips, travelling long distances, to gather vital resources of pollen and nectar from flowers. They have to deal with predators, challenging weather conditions and the very real risk of getting lost.

Protect crops against pests and diseases

Deciduous fruit growers have access to the latest information on all aspects of protecting orchards from pests and diseases in the new Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits in NSW.

$10 million in agriculture grants now available

Local jobs in rural and regional Queensland will receive a boost thanks to the Palaszczuk Government’s new $10 million Rural Economic Development Grants Program.

Steps to success with tree crop nutrition

Correct nutrition management is essential for achieving high yields of quality macadamias and avocados and most growers work with a local agronomist to help them manage and refine their fertiliser programs.

Chinese tastebuds go nuts for Toowoomba produce

Darling Downs pecan and macadamia processor Stahmann Farms has cracked the Asian market, with their specially branded products set to hit shelves in more than 1800 stores across China thanks to the support of the Palaszczuk Government.

Mango peel could help clean up oil contamination

Mango peel could be used to break down oil sludge, according to new research.

Apricot taste test will determine if there is still an appetite for an Australian apricot industry

The future of the Australian apricot industry is likely to rest on the success of new varieties designed with improved flavour and ability to grow in the Australian climate.

Tracing activity uncovers new citrus canker detection

Another citrus canker detection has been made in the Northern Territory as a result of essential tracing activities by the citrus canker emergency response team.

Mango season heats up in Northern Territory

The mango season is ramping up in the Northern Territory with growers sending thousands of trays to markets around Australia.

Fungal fingerprint uncovered in chestnut study

Scientists have discovered a fungal fingerprint for a disease that cost Australia’s chestnut industry more than $5m in 2016.

New project to transform future of north’s mango industry

A new project promising to transform the productivity and profitability of the north Australian mango industry, has been unveiled at a meeting of the north’s top producers in the Burdekin.

Rising water prices to hit almond, avocado, citrus and grape farm values, warn valuers

Rising water prices to hit almond, avocado, citrus and grape farm values, warn valuers

Apple disease control critical

As a major disease threat in his orchards, Victorian apple producer Brad Fankhauser knows how critical it is he carefully manages black spot. Mr Fankhauser, who farms near Drouin in Gippsland, says even in a relatively dry season black spot can be a threat, however the introduction of Luna Sensation fungicide to his program in the 2015/16 season proved to be a gamechanger.