Pink Lady and Bravo apples among the healthiest

Eating apples is good for you, ongoing research carried out by The University of Western Australia (UWA) and Edith Cowan University (ECU) has reaffirmed.

Moringa oleifera – a potential new industry for Australia

Moringa has been identified as a potential emerging industry for Australia.

New developments for HiveXchange

Australian made digital market innovation is empowering growers to trade more freely into national and export markets.

Brevis – new option for apple thinning

A new secondary fruit thinner with a unique mode of action is tipped to revolutionise the way apples are thinned.

Scientists find a way to zap fruit, killing mould and extending shelf life using air

It sounds like the stuff of science fiction — a low-energy, chemical-free process that can zap fresh produce, stopping mould spores from germinating and extending its shelf life for weeks.

China's appetite for a stinky fruit booms — could durian be the next baby milk formula?

Could a fruit that smells so offensive it can cause entire buildings to be evacuated be the next baby milk formula craze for Chinese consumers?

Nitrogen management for improved mango productivity and quality

A future of improved nitrogen applications that better pin-point the right source, timing and rate of nitrogen fertiliser to increase yield and optimise fruit quality.

Mango crop sets national record

The 2017/2018 Australian mango season was the biggest on record, with more than 10 million trays picked across the country for the first time.

Rod's got growing figured out

SEASONED fig farmer Rod Dalton says he made the switch from "thirsty” avocados to the forbidden fruit after a tip-off from a friend.

Tree-crop agriculture gains ground in the Mid West

For Greenough landowner George Ainsley, on-farm diversification looks far different to the standard livestock-cropping mix. Tree crop agriculture has been his passion for more than 25 years, first with hardwood trees on a small block in Albany and later a mix of plantings on his 70ha Mid West landholding.

Citrus canker outbreak in WA

Western Australia's Department of Primary Industries (DPIRD) has confirmed the detection of citrus canker on two properties in Kununurra and Wyndham, linking it to imported plants from the Northern Territory.

Iprodione use banned in European Union

The Almond Board of Australia was recently advised that Iprodione use in the European Union had been banned and we are currently in negotiations to ensure the 2018 almond crop, grown when the use of Iprodione was authorised, can be sold with a maximum residue limit (MRL) still being in place.

Helping farmers while boosting economies in our region

Taire Kabotau is one of over 100 Kiribatis who come to Australia each year to participate in our Seasonal Worker Programme.

Vegetable or tree?

FANCY a green vegetable that can be picked nearly year-round, requires minimal bending, doesn’t need to be replanted, and is super healthy?